Bear Hunts In Florida

The FWC is Gearing up for Another Florida Black Bear Hunt!

Next Week, June 22-23rd in Eastpoint Florida near Apalachicola. A meeting will take place. The FWC will be deciding upon another Fl Black Bear Hunt. These Bears were Protected for 21 Years. After delisting in 2012, last year a Hunt was called. In 2 Days that could have gone on 7 days. Citizen’s Stopped the hunt, but were not able to do this until 298 Bears were already Slain. There were 38 Lactating Mother Bears killed that left behind many Cubs that all likely perished. World Citizens are Against Bear Hunts in Florida. We only have a couple days left to get the Volumes of Signatures needed to be effective. From the Greatest Depths of my Soul, thank you for signing and sharing.. A very Small Group have worked night and day for the past year for these Bears. We have 5 Counties and 14 Cities in Florida that have signed Resolutions against the Hunt. Not a Law but a Powerful Statement. We have Protests planned tomorrow across the State. Will it be enough? We don’t know. But never has there been such a gathering to Save Our Black Bears. This is All for the Greed of Land. Does this sound familiar being a Native American? Yes, it is a Genocide of our Woodland Animals- for Greed of their Land! Recreational Trophy Killing for fun, has no place in a Civilized Society. Avid Hunters have spoken against the Bear Hunt, before and after. Please Sign and Keep Sharing in all your Facebook Groups, Tweets, to Friends in Emails. 42 countries have signed! Thank you all for Signing and Sharing!! United States, Belgium, Namibia, Montenegro, United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, Philippines, Canada, France, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Romania, Netherlands, Italy, India, Finland, Mexico, Cyprus, Sweden, Ireland, Spain, Peru, Argentina, Czech Republic, Brazil, Iraq, Mauritius, Bulgaria, Norway, New Zealand, Croatia, Tahiti French Polynesia, Macau, Burmuda, Luxembourg, Syria, Portugal, Turkey, Malaysia and Austria.


Collier County-Do You Want Our Bears to Live?

We have a Great Movement across the State of Florida. Multiple Petitions to take to the FWC with one that has over 150,000 Signatures. All Against the Florida Black Bear Hunt! We have Counties and Towns across Florida speaking to the FWC, asking for a Ban of the Hunt with a Resolutions Signed in their area. We will go to the FWC on June 22-23rd in Apalachicola area, with or without you Collier County. Are you so in Love with Rick Scott and Leisa Priddy that you will allow another Bear Hunt or is it that you are in total fear of them? Or.. maybe, and I hope it to be, you just haven’t been approached to help.

Tomorrow is the last 1 of 2 Commission Meetings left before the FWC meets and hands down a new possible execution order of our Bears. They state there will be an annual Hunt! How many Slaughtered Bears this time will depend on you. Are the Collier Bears worth anything to you? We are working with as many Counties as we can. But few Collier Residents have stood up to offer help to the Bears.

If you are willing to speak to the Collier County Commission let me know. There are People that will help. But they have no reason to listen to People that are not Residents of their County. It is your Call. Let me know how many Collier Residents will stand up for the Bears. And we will be there with you. But won’t go without Collier Support.

There are Articles about Rick Scott and the Republican Party doing Campaign Fund Raising with Animal Canned Hunts in SouthTexas. The Governor appoints the FWC Commission that brought the assault and kill of 300 Bears on October 24 and 25th 2015. A two day Massacre! There were Cubs killed. There were Bears still showing Corn in their mouths, which would indicate Baiting. It is Reported that the FWC is mostly made up of Land Developers, Hunters and Ranchers. Leisa Priddy, a FWC Commission Member has reportedly not only Voted for the Hunt but she and another Commissioner Bought their own Bear Hunting Permit. This is conflict of Interest. Our Bears had no chance. Leisa Priddy is reportedly one of the land owners petitioning the US Fish and Wildlife with a Incidental Kill of our Endangered Panther. So she can build her Big City. People in Political office know all the angles to get what they want.

We have a choice. October will come. Watch the Bear Slaughtered again. Or help us get a Collier County Resolution asking for a Ban of Bear Hunts in Collier County. Will you Help?

Municipalities that have passed Bear Hunt Ban Resolutions as of April 19, 2016:

COUNTIES:  Miami -Dade population 2,617,000+   Volusia population 500,800

CITIES:Safety Harbor pop.17,139+  Biscayne Park pop. 3,000+  Palmetto Bay pop. 25,000  South Miami pop 12,000 +Pinecrest pop. 19,000+  Cutler Bay pop. 43,000+  Clermont pop 30,000+  Davie pop. 97,000  Deltona pop. 86,890 Cape Coral pop. 166,000+  Eustis pop. 19,214   Fort Myers pop. 68, 190+


Total of population represented:  3,704,233

(Sarasota passed a no hunting resolution previously 390,500 = 4, 094,733)

There are Counties almost to final Signing Stages of Resolutions,  Alachua, Seminole and more. We are on the Agenda in Hillsborough and Brevard. Pinellas has signed a Proclamation.

A Resolution is simply a Formal Statement Expressed on behalf of Collier County Citizens. Not a Law. The Resolution simply asks that the alternative measures by the FWC be applied. Before any Bear Hunt is conducted. And that the Bear Hunt of 2015 was based on outdated facts.  Unless the Ordinances are in place reducing the Human created conflict of Trash and securing domestic Animals running loose. It is unfair to consider the Bears a Nuisance. There is much Public Education available. This can reduce Bear Conflicts. Volusia is reporting a 95% reduction in Bear complaints since adopting an Ordinance.

South Miami- Resolution Link


Petitions are circulating with Signatures from 36 Countries asking for a Ban on the Florida Black Bear Hunt.

Call your Collier County Commission- Tell them you want a Resolution to Ban Bear Hunting in Collier. That it is the Will of Collier Residents and that you Vote. Let me know if there is interest in going to your Commissioner Meeting tomorrow. Send me a email- I will show you what needs to be said and will bring helpers, if Collier wants to Represent their Black Bears.

Collier Commission Contacts- Commissioner Tim Nance says they are working on an Ordinance for Reducing Conflicts. Tell him A Resolution does not interfere with an Ordinance. A Resolution says- the County wishes to look at alternative ways to reduce conflicts besides a Hunt. Mr. Nance says bringing up a Resolution in your County would go up in Flames. You are the Voters and the Residents of Collier County. You can decide, by your Votes what the Commission will do in your County.

A Bumper sticker read- Everyone Can-But Won’t. I Can- And Will!

Kay Haering







Senator For Florida Wilderness-Short 400 Signatures

Chuck O’ Neal could be the Greatest Senator Florida -we could ever have! If you love Clean Water. Someone against Fracking! Stopping the Incidental Take on Our Endangered Panthers. Stopping the Florida Bear Hunt! A Senator that listens to and acts upon issues important to Florida. You will not find better!

Without Big Money that owns and controls you. Then you must get 1000’s and 1000’s of Signatures. He is short 400 Signatures to get on Ballot. When I say, you must do this Today. It means just that! The deadline to be placed on the Ballot is May 23rd at 9am. That means Signing and getting this Ballot Mailed Tomorrow!

Chuck is a Democrat running for District 11. The Bears and Panthers are Not affiliated with a Party. They are Non-denominational. And we should be too. What the Tallahassee Bunch are doing to our land and it’s Wildlife is Evil. There will likely be another 2016 Bear Slaughter unless we stop them. We are up against very Powerful Money and influence. Help us Stop Fracking in Florida. And return the Wildlife Management to the People that Love them. Not the 4% that want to Destroy them.

Chuck O’Neal has fought hard to prevent the 2015 Bear Hunt, the first in 21 years. He has brought in Attorneys and Biologist to stop the 2016 Hunt that will be decided upon June 22-23rd in Apalachicola, Fl.  by the FWC.

Send me a email if you wish to work with the People fighting hard to prevent the 2016 Bear Hunt. It was Horrific, details I will give you. Send me a note at

Even if Chuck isn’t in your District or of your Party. You can get him on the Ballot. But you must mail tomorrow! If the link doesn’t come up properly. Email me with a note- Chuck form. We must take back Florida now! This is Our Future Generations’ world!

Please help me get Chuck O’Neal on the Florida Senator Ballot! His two Facebook sites: Imagine our Florida and Floridians Against the Bear Hunt. He has worked so hard on the right causes. We need him!…/ChuckONeal-CandidatePetition…
ChuckONeal-CandidatePetition- 3-23.pdf
Shared with Dropbox


Kay Haering





Stop the Florida Black Bear Hunts

On October 25-26, 2016. A normal start to a day it seemed. But wasn’t. Every Wildlife Check station was manned by a citizen volunteer. None of us wanted to be there. We loved the Black Bears. But we went with our Camera and notepad. It was the Citizen with our Eyes upon every Bear brought into the station, that stopped this Barbaric Bear Bloodbath. In 2 Days, 298 Bears were killed of the quota of 320 FWC allowed. Some areas had nearly 3 times more than the quota allowed, for Bears killed in a given area. 3700 permits were sold, we only had estimated 3,000 Bears in the State. 78 of the 298 Bears Slain were Lactating Mother Bears,  that left hundreds of orphaned Bears to likely die. They needed their Mother for 2 years. One hunter on audio bragged about kicking Bear Cubs off their lifeless Mother Bear. There were Bears still having corn in their mouths, proof of Baiting. Hunters have requested Dogs on the 2016 Hunt. They will shred these little Cubs. We Can’t allow Another Hunt! The FWC is a Hunters Club. With a little mention of the rest of us as others. The 96% of Citizen’s in Florida are Non- Hunters. But 4% of population helped FWC set up a Florida Black Bear Hunt almost immediately after de-listing the Bear from Endangered.

Citizen’s as Black Bear Activist had worked hard for so many months, with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation also known as FWC. We sent over 40,000 letters, we made thousands of calls to Governor Rick Scott and the appointed FWC Commission. We attended public workshops.Which the Citizens’s now believe, just shams, it appears the decision to have a Hunt against Our Magnificent Black Bears. Was decided long ago. We naively believed they were listening to the People. What we know and believe today- is not the same belief, we had back then.

We learned from Newspapers about the Republican Fundraising at Kings Ranch in South Texas, Gov Rick Scott and Matthew Caldwell were mentioned. Canned Animal Hunts for Fundraising. We learned about the make up of the FWC. Ranchers, Land Developers and Hunters. And it was reported that 2 Commissioners that bought Bear Killing Permits- were the same ones that voted to have a Bear Hunt. Was this not a conflict of interest? One Commissioner that Voted for the Bear Hunt- Bought a Hunting Permit is now reportedly one of the 9 Ranchers petitioning the US Fish and Wildlife for Incidental Take on the Florida Panther.

We are Signing Petitions, one has over 150,000 Signatures against the Bear Hunt. One is Signed by Citizens of 34 Countries, asking to Stop the Bear Hunt. We are getting Counties and Towns across Florida to sign a Resolution to Ban Bear Hunting in their area. This isn’t a Law. This is a Powerful Expression of the Will of the People. And it is from one Government Agency to another Government Agency. A County or a Town to the FWC. We have Miami-Dade County and Volusia County that have Signed. We have 13 Cities/Towns. Combining all the areas together, we have over 3 Million Citizen’s represented by their County or Town and more are coming.

If you live in Florida and love our Magnificent Black Bears, please don’t sit idly by. We have Strong Teams in some counties working hard to get the Resolutions Signed before FWC meets in Apalachicola on June 22-23, 2016. In some Counties- We don’t have a Team. If you know County Commissioners or City Council, or willing to make calls and send letters , we need your help. We must Stop the 2016 Florida Bear Hunt!

Please Sign and Share this Petition. It is a Very Powerful Tool. It shows 34 Countries including the US, Do Not Want a Florida Bear Hunt. We have the Countries but need Thousands of Signatures to be effective. If you can help Our Bears in Your County. Time is of the essence to get a Resolution for June meeting. Email me your name and County so I can get you with a Team. I am on Facebook, send me a friend request with a message of which County.
Make this a Good Day For Our Bears!
Kay Haering




First blog post

My Love of Florida is Deep! Being a Native American, I cherish this Land my Ancestors walked on 10,000 years ago. I belong to this Land. The Bears and Panthers Belong to the ones that Love them. Not the 4% that seek to Destroy them as Trophys and Recreation Killing. Help me Stop the Florida Black Bear Hunt!